Using the IIGS Battery-Backed-Up RAM and Clock From Assembly Language Neil Parker Version 1.00 January 1994 COPYRIGHT by 1993 Neil Parker All Rights Reserved ======== Abstract ======== This technical note discusses how a machine-language programmer can access the Apple IIGS battery-backed-up RAM and clock hardware directly, bypassing the firmware and system software. The BRAM and clock are normally accessed through a set of subroutines in the Miscellaneous Toolset, which is the only Apple-supported method accessing them. Direct manipulation of the hardware provides access to several features that the Miscelaneous Toolset does not, such as the "raw" time and the BRAM write-protect register. =========== Terminology =========== Terminology: Bit 0 The least significant bit in a byte Bit 7 The most significant bit in a byte BRAM Battery backed-up RAM. Information stored in the BRAM is not lost when the IIGS is turned off. CLOCKCTL Clock/BRAM protocol control register CLOCKDATA Clock/BRAM data register ======================== Accessing the IIGS Clock ======================== The IIGS BRAM/Clock chip seems to be identical to the one documented in _The Macintosh Family Hardware Reference_. The BRAM/Clock chip uses a simple protocol to transfer data in and out using two memory locations: Register Address Function --------- ---------- ------------------------------------ CLOCKCTL 0xC034 Clock/BRAM control register CLOCKDATA 0xC033 Clock/BRAM command and data register The protocol for a "write" is: CLOCKDATA <-- command specifying register to be written CLOCKCTL <-- bits to initiate transfer CLOCKDATA <-- data to be written CLOCKCTL <-- bits to continue transfer The protocol for a "read" is: CLOCKDATA <-- command specifying register to be read CLOCKCTL <-- bits to initiate transfer CLOCKDATA --> data from BRAM/Clock at the conclusion of this sequence, CLOCKDATA contains the desired data. The available commands are shown in the table: Comamnd Access Purpose -------- ------ -------------------------------------- z0000001 R/W Clock seconds register lo z0000101 R/W Clock seconds register next-to-lo z0001001 R/W Clock seconds register next-to-hi z0001101 R/W Clock seconds register hi 00110001 W-Only Write to test register Always set bits 6 & 7 to "0". 00110101 W-Only Write to write-protect register Setting bit 7 to "1" locks out further writes to the BRAM/Clock z010ab01 R/W Access BRAM address 100ab z1abcd01 R/W Access BRAM address 0abcd z0111abc R/W Followed by 0defgh00. Access BRAM address abcdefgh The "Command" column contains entries beginning with an "z". This letter is replaced by a "0" or "1" indicating the desired access type. A value of "0" for this bit specifies a write, while a value of "1" for this bit specifies a read. For example, the command to access the low byte of the clock's seconds register is "z0000001". To write a value to this register, write the byte "00000001" followed by the new value for the low byte of the seconds register. To read the value of the low byte of the clock seconds register, write the byte "10000001", and then read the value from CLOCKDATA. ---------------- Seconds Register ---------------- The four bytes of the seconds register form a 32-bit count of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904. They should always be accessed in lo-to-hi order. When reading the clock, the ROM reads all four registers several times, until it gets the same value twice in a row. When writing, the ROM immediately tests the written value by reading it back -- if the values don't match, it tries again. ---------------------------------------- Test Register and Write-Protect Register ---------------------------------------- The test register and the write-protect register are write-only registers. Setting the high bit of the write-protect register prevents any of the other registers (or BRAM locations) from being written to, and clearing it enables writes to the registers and BRAM locations. The two high-order bits of the test register are used as control bits during testing, and should normally be set to 0 (setting them to anything else interferes with normal clock functioning). I can't find any code in the IIGS ROM that accesses these registers. --------------------- Battery Ram Locations --------------------- The z010ab01 and z1abcd01 commands are holdovers from the early Macintosh days when there were only 20 bytes of BRAM. The IIGS doesn't seem to use these functions--it uses the more general z0111abc 0defgh00 command instead. Note that the z0111abc 0defgh00 command is two bytes long. For reading, read the data byte after writing the second byte. For writing, write the data byte after writing the second byte. ======================== Reading/Writing the BRAM ======================== The CLOCKCTL byte is used to transfer data to and from the BRAM and the clock. Only the upper three bits of the CLOCKCTL byte at $C034 are used by the BRAM/Clock; the lower five bits contain the current screen border and are thus not used by the BRAM/Clock. The bits are organized as: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | S | T | A | Z | B | B | B | B | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ where: B Screen Border Color (Unused By BRAM/Clock) S Start Transaction T Transaction Type (Read/Write) A Clock Enable Assert Z This bit should always be set to 0 ------------------ Start Transfer Bit ------------------ Bit 7 is the "Start Transaction" bit. Writing a "1" to this bit begins a read or write transaction. All this means is that the BRAM/Clock begins processing the value in CLOCKDATA. When the operation has completed, Bit 7 will be reset to "0". Thus, testing this bit allows the programmer to determine when an operation has completed. -------------------- Transaction Type Bit -------------------- Bit 6 specifies the "Transaction Type" bit, either a read or a write. The values and meanings for this bit are shown below: 0 = Write 1 = Read ----------------------- Clock Enable Assert Bit ----------------------- Bit 5 is the "Clock Enable Assert" bit. All the documentation says this bit should be set to "0" before beginning a transfer, and should be set back to "1" after the transfer is complete. However, the ROM routines do the opposite -- they set the bit to "1" at the beginning of a transfer, and "0" when the transfer completes. -------------- Remaining Bits -------------- Bit 4 should always be 0. Bits 0-3 have nothing to do with the BRAM/Clock -- they control the screen border color. -------------------- Writing Data To BRAM -------------------- To write a byte, write the command indicating which location is desired to CLOCKDATA. Then set bits 7 and 5 of CLOCKCTL, and clear bit 6 of CLOCKCTL. When bit 7 is cleared by the BRAM, CLOCKDATA can be loaded with the data value to be written. If you have more data to write from the BRAM, bits 6 and 5 in CLOCKCTL need not be changed between transfers. After each write, clear bit 5. A write uses the following protocol: CLOCKDATA = "write" cmd for desired register or BRAM location CLOCKCTL[bit 7] = 1 CLOCKCTL[bit 6] = 0 CLOCKCTL[bit 5] = 1 wait until CLOCKCTL[bit 7] == 0 if this is a two-byte command ("00111abc 0defgh00") CLOCKDATA = second byte of command CLOCKCTL[bit 7] = 1 CLOCKCTL[bit 6] = 0 CLOCKCTL[bit 5] = 1 wait until CLOCKCTL[bit 7] = 0 end if CLOCKDATA = data to be written CLOCKCTL[bit 7] = 1 CLOCKCTL[bit 6] = 0 CLOCKCTL[bit 5] = 1 wait until CLOCKCTL[bit 7] == 0 CLOCKCTL[bit 5] = 0 ---------------------- Reading Data From BRAM ---------------------- To read a byte, write the command indicating which location is desired to CLOCKDATA. Then set bits 7, 6, and 5 of CLOCKCTL. When bit 7 is cleared by the BRAM, CLOCKDATA contains the data value. If you have more data to read from the BRAM, bits 6 and 5 in CLOCKCTL need not be changed between transfers. After each read, clear bit 5. The algorithm looks like this: CLOCKDATA = "read" cmd for desired register or BRAM location CLOCKCTL[bit 7] = 1 CLOCKCTL[bit 6] = 0 CLOCKCTL[bit 5] = 1 wait until CLOCKCTL[bit 7] == 0 If this is a two-byte command ("10111abc 0defgh00") CLOCKDATA = second byte of "read" command CLOCKCTL[bit 7] = 1 CLOCKCTL[bit 6] = 0 CLOCKCTL[bit 5] = 1 wait until CLOCKCTL[bit 7] == 0 end if CLOCKCTL[bit 7] = 1 CLOCKCTL[bit 6] = 1 CLOCKCTL[bit 5] = 1 wait until CLOCKCTL[bit 7] = 0 result = CLOCKDATA CLOCKCTL[bit 5] = 0 ------------------ Computing Checksum ------------------ Any change to the BRAM invalidates the checksum unless the programmer explicitly recomputes the checksum and stores it in the BRAM. An invalid checksum causes the IIGS to reload the BRAM with default values. The checksum is a 16-bit number computed by the following algorithm: initialize checksum to 0 start at end of BRAM buffer (BRAM locations $FA and $FB) repeat rotate checksum left 1 bit checksum = checksum + word from buffer buffer position = buffer position - 1 byte until we reach the beginning of the buffer The checksum is stored in BRAM bytes $FC (low byte) and $FD (high byte). The checksum exclusive-ORed with the constant $AAAA is stored in BRAM bytes $FE (low byte) and $FF (high byte). The source code for computing the BRAM checksum is included in the ROM disassembly below. ------- Caveats ------- The Macintosh documentation recommends that the last access to the BRAM/Clock be a write operation, in order to avoid running down the battery. Since the IIGS ROM code does not seem to heed this advice it is possible that the IIGS hardware makes the final write unnecessary. Beware of writing directly to the BRAM. The last few bytes of BRAM are reserved for a checksum -- if the checksum doesn't match the remaining contents of the BRAM, then the IIGS will ignore the entire BRAM contents and reset everything to the defaults. The BRAM will also be ignored and reset to defaults if any of its values are outside their legal ranges. ====================================== Appendix A: IIGS ROM Clock Access Code ====================================== The following code was disassembled from the IIGS ROM code accessing the clock and BRAM. This code is for illustrative purposes only, and may contain transcription errors. ; Copyright by Apple Computer, Inc. ; Disassembly by Neil Parker ; (Warning: There may be some transcription errors below) ; ClockData equ $C033 ClockCtl equ $C034 BatteryRAM equ $E102C0 ;Battery RAM buffer ClkErr equ $E103E0 ;Clock read error count ClkRData equ $E103E1 ;4 bytes--clock read buffer ClkWData equ $E103E5 ;4 bytes--clock write buffer DBRE1 equ $FFF882 ;Set DBR to $E1 ; ; Subroutine READTIME, at $FF/B5A0 (ROM 1) or $FF/B45A (ROM 0) ; Read the time into CLKRDATA ; Enter in 8-bit native mode ; Returns carry clear for success, carry set for failure ; ; The TOREADTIME vector at $E1/008C jumps to this routine. ; ReadTime php ;Save interrupt state sei ;No interrupts allowed phb jsr DBRE1 ;Switch to bank $E1 stz |ClkErr ;Start error count at 0 RTTry ldy #0 ;Start read count at 0 RTTry2 inc |ClkErr beq RTFail ;If error count wraps, fail ldx #0 ;Start byte count at 0 lda #$FD ;Command--turns into 10000001 below RTByteLp clc adc #4 ;Form next sec reg read command pha ;Save partial cmd on stack ora #$80 ;Set "read" bit sep #$40 ;Set overflow bit (indicates read command) jsr BatRWAY ;Access register cpy #0 ;First read of regs? bne RTComp ;If not, compare with previous read sta |ClkRData,X ;1st read, so store it bra RTMatch ;Go prepare for reading next byte RTComp cmp |ClkRData,X ;Does this read match last read? beq RTMatch ;If so, go prepare for next byte pla ;Otherwise discard partial command bra RTTry ;...and try again RTMatch pla ;Get partial cmd inx cpx #4 ;Got all 4 bytes yet? bcc RTByteLp ;If not, go get more tyx ;First read? bne RTGood ;If not, success! iny ;Otherwise indicate 2nd read bra RTTry2 ;...and go read again RTFail plb ;Failure exit--restore old DBR SECRTL plp ;Restore int state sec ;Return failure rtl RTGood plb CLCRTL plp clc ;Return success rtl ; ; Subroutine WRITETIME, at $FF/B5E4 (ROM 1) or $FF/B49E (ROM 0) ; Writes raw time in CLKWDATA to clock chip ; Enter in 8-bit native mode ; Returns carry clear for success, set for failure ; ; The TOWRITETIME vector at $E1/0088 jumps to this routine. ; WriteTime php ;Save int state sei ;No interrupts allowed lda #0 ;Start error count at 0 pha ;Keep error count on stack WTTry ldx #0 ;Start byte count at 0 lda #$FD ;Cmd--turns into 00000001 below WTByteLp clc adc #4 ;Form next write cmd pha ;Save it lda >ClkWData,X ;Get byte to write tay lda 1,S ;Get write cmd jsr BatWAY ;Write the byte pla ;Get write cmd inx cpx #4 ;Done 4 bytes yet? bcc WTByteLp ;If not, go do the next jsl ReadTime ;Read back what we just wrote ldx #3 WTCmpLp lda >ClkRData,X ;Compare data just read cmp >ClkWData,X ; data we wrote bne WTNotSame ;If not the same, go read again dex ;Compared all 4 bytes yet? bpl WTCmpLp ;If not, compare more pla ;Success--discard error count bra CLCRTL ;...and exit with success WTNotSame pla ;Get error count dec A bne WTTry ;If not too many errors, try again bra SECRTL ;Otherwise exit with failure ; ; Subroutine BCHECKSUM, at $FF/B61D (ROM 1) or $FF/B4D7 (ROM 0) ; Calculate the checksum of the BRAM ; Enter with data to be checksummed in BATTERYRAM buffer ; 8-bit native mode ; DBR pointing to bank $E1 ; Returns with X=checksum ; A=checksum EORed with constant $AAAA ; 16-bit native mode ; Don't call this routine yourself--it resides in bank $FF, and ends with ; an RTS, not an RTL. If you need to compute a new BRAM checksum yourself, ; you should write your own routine that duplicates the functionality of ; this code. ; BCheckSum ldx #$FA ;Start at end of buffer rep #$20 ;16-bit A-reg, since checksum is 16 bits longa on lda #0 ;Initialize checksum to 0 BCheck1 rol A adc |BatteryRAM,X ;Add in current word of buffer dex cpx #$FF ;At beginning of buffer yet? bne BCheck1 ;If not, go do more rep #$30 longi on tax ;Else save checksum in X eor #$AAAA ;Get complement of checksum in A rts longa off longi off ; ; Subroutine BATIO, at $FF/B635 (ROM 1) or $FF/B4EF (ROM 0) ; Read or write a byte from a BRAM location ; Enter with A=value to read (if reading) ; Y=address to read or write ; Overflow flag= 1 to read or 0 to write ; 8-bit native mode ; DBR pointing to bank 0, 1, $E0, or $E1 ; If reading, returns byte read in A reg ; ; The READBRAM and WRITEBRAM routines just call this in a loop. Don't ; try to call it yourself--it resides in bank $FF, and ends with an RTS, ; not an RTL. ; BatIO pha ;Save byte for writing tya ;Save address to read/write pha and #$E0 ;Work on 1st byte: abcdefgh -> v0111abc lsr A lsr A lsr A lsr A lsr A ora #$38 bvc BNoOv ora #$80 BNoOv xba ;Save 1st byte pla ;Work on 2nd byte: abcdefgh -> 0defgh00 and #$1F asl A asl A xba ;Get 1st byte back, save 2nd byte php ;Save overflow bit jsr BatSend ;Send 1st byte to BRAM/Clock xba ;Get 2nd byte BDoTrans jsr BatSend ;Send it plp ;Restore overflow bit pla ;Get data to be sent jsr BatSR ;Read or write byte (depending on V bit) pha ;Save data read, if any lda |ClockCtl ;Turn off "clock enable assert" bit and #$DF sta |ClockCtl pla rts ; ; BATWAY: Write A-reg, then Y-reg to BRAM/Clock chip ; BatWAY clv ;Force write mode, then fall into... ; ; BATRWAY: Write A-reg, then either write Y-reg or read into A-reg ; BatRWAY phy php ;Save overflow bit bra BDoTrans ;Go do the transaction ; ; BATSEND: Send A-reg to BRAM/Clock chip ; BatSend clv ;Force write mode, then fall into... ; ; BATSR: Send or receive data to/from BRAM/Clock chip ; BatSR sta |ClockData ;Put send data (if any) in data reg lda |ClockCtl ;Get control bits and #$3F ;Done-status=0, R/W=W bvs SRVSet ;Overflow set (read mode)? ora #$A0 ;No: Done-status=1, "assert"=1 bra SRDoIt SRVSet ora #$E0 ;Yes: Done-status=1, R/W=R, "assert"=1 SRDoIt sta |ClockCtl ;Perform action SRLoop lda |ClockCtl bmi SRLoop ;Wait for action to finish lda |ClockData ;Get data to be read (if any) rts ;Done ================================== Appendix B: Battery RAM Memory Map ================================== Apple Computer's official position is that NONE of the BRAM is free for programmer use; all 256 bytes are used. The table below describes the value in each location in the BRAM for ROM 1. Any locations marked "Reserved" are reserved by Apple for future use; some of these locations may in fact be used by ROM 3 or by GS/OS. Note that the Port 2 values at locations $0C through $17 function identically to the Port 1 values at locations $00 through $0B and have been omitted for brevity. Location Contents -------- -------------------------------------------------- $00 Port 1 peripheral 0 = Printer 1 = Modem 2 = Appletalk (ROM 3 only) $01 Port 1 line length 0 = Unlimited 1 = 40 characters 2 = 72 characters 3 = 80 characters 4 = 132 characters $02 Port 1 Delete Line Feed After Carriage Return 0 = No 1 = Yes $03 Port 1 Add Line Feed After Carriage Return 0 = No 1 = Yes $04 Port 1 Echo 0 = Off 1 = On $05 Port 1 Buffering 0 = Off 1 = On $06 Port 1 Baud Rate 0 = 50 Baud 1 = 75 Baud 2 = 110 Baud $D = 9600 Baud $E = 19200 Baud $07 Port 1 Data/Stop Bits 0 = 5 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit 1 = 5 Data Bits, 2 Stop Bit 2 = 6 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit 3 = 6 Data Bits, 2 Stop Bit 4 = 7 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit 5 = 7 Data Bits, 2 Stop Bit 6 = 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit 7 = 8 Data Bits, 2 Stop Bit $08 Port 1 Parity 0 = Odd 1 = Even 2 = None $09 Port 1 DCD Handshake 0 = Off 1 = On $0A Port 1 DSR Handshake 0 = Off 1 = On $0B Port 1 XON/XOFF Handshake 0 = Off 1 = On $0C Port 2 Printer/Modem $0D Port 2 Line Length $0E Port 2 Delete Line Feed After Carriage Return $0F Port 2 Add Line Feed After Carriage Return $10 Port 2 Echo $11 Port 2 Buffering $12 Port 2 Baud rate $13 Port 2 Data/Stop bits $14 Port 2 Parity $15 Port 2 DCD Handshake $16 Port 2 DSR Handshake $17 Port 2 XON/XOFF Handshake $18 Display Color/Monochrome 0 = Color 1 = Monochrome $19 Display 40/80 Columns 0 = 40 columns 1 = 80 columns $1A Display Text Color Color = $0 to $F $1B Display Background Color Color = $0 to $F $1C Display Border Color Color = $0 to $F $1D 50/60 Hertz 0 = 60 Hertz 1 = 50 Hertz $1E User Volume Volume = $0 to $F ($0 is quietest) $1F Bell Pitch Pitch = $0 to $F ($0 is lowest) $20 System Speed 0 = Slow 1 = Fast $21 Slot 1 Internal/External 0 = Printer 1 = Your Card $22 Slot 2 Internal/External 0 = Modem 1 = Your Card $23 Slot 3 Internal/External 0 = 80-Column Card Firmware 1 = Your Card $24 Slot 4 Internal/External 0 = Mouse 1 = Your Card $25 Slot 5 Internal/External 0 = Smartport 1 = Your Card $26 Slot 6 Internal/External 0 = 5.25 Drive 1 = Your Card $27 Slot 7 Internal/External 0 = AppleTalk 1 = Your Card $28 Startup Slot 0 = Scan 1-7 = Slot Number 8 = RAM Disk 9 = ROM Disk $29 Text Display Language $2A Keyboard Language $2B Keyboard Buffering 0 = off 1 = on $2C Keyboard Repeat Speed Speed = 0 to 7 (0 is slowest) $2D Keyboard Repeat Delay 0 = shortest delay ... 3 = longest delay 4 = no delay Speed = 0 to 4 $2E Double-Click Time 0 = longest delay ... 4 = shortest delay $2F Cursor Flash Rate 0 = fastest flash rate ... 4 = slowest flash rate $30 Shift Caps/Lowercase 0 = No 1 = Yes $31 Fast space/delete Keys 0 = No 1 = Yes $32 Dual Speed Keys 0 = No 1 = Yes $33 High Speed Mouse 0 = No 1 = Yes $34 Month/day/year format 0 = MM/DD/YY 1 = DD/MM/YY 2 = YY/MM/DD $35 24-hr/AM-PM format 0 = 12 Hour Format with AM/PM 1 = 24-Hour format $36 Minimum RAM for RAM disk 0 = None $20 = Largest Selectable Size $37 Maximum RAM for RAM disk 0 = None $20 = Largest Selectable Size $38-$40 List of available display languages $41-$51 List of available keyboard layouts $52-$58 Reserved (Maybe Used On ROM 3???) $59 Memory Peeker and Visit Monitor CDA settings Bit Meaning 0-6 ??? 7 Install CDAs at boot time $5A Keyboard translation setting 0 = none 1-$FE = user-defined $FF = standard $5B CloseView settings Bit Meaning 0-3 magnification 4 cvUseKeys 5 cvMagnify 6 cvInvert 7 cvEnabled $5E Miscellaneous System 6 settings Bit Meaning 0 disable close captioning ("visual indication of sounds") 1 0 = daylight savings time 1 = standard time 2 disable automatic daylight savings time 3-4 number of menu blinks $5F Miscellaneous System 6 settings Bit Meaning 0 Alphabetize DA Menus 1 Disable Init Icons On Boot 2 Disable QuickDraw Scanline Interrupts 3-5 Reserved 6-7 Set to %10 If This Byte Is Valid $60 Scaling For WaitUntil Toolbox Call $61 Reserved For Network Medium Selection $62 OS For Network Boot 1 = GS/OS 2 = ProDOS 8 $63-$7F Reserved $80 AppleTalk Node Number $81 GS/OS Cache Size 0 = Minimum 1 = 32K 2 = 64K ... $FE = 8128K $82 Reserved for operating system variables ... $A1 Reserved for operating system variables $A2 Reserved ... $FB Reserved $FC Checksum (low byte) $FD Checksum (high byte) $FE Complement of checksum (low byte) $FF Complement of checksum (high byte) ============ Bibliography ============ _Inside Macintosh, Volume III_ Apple Computer, Inc. Addison-Wesley 1985 Contains a description of the old Mac BRAM/Clock chip (the one with only 20 bytes of RAM). _The Macintosh Family Hardware Reference_ Apple Computer, Inc. Addison-Wesley. Contains a description of the newer Mac BRAM/Clock chip and the commands that it accepts. _Apple IIGS Hardware Reference_ Apple Computer, Inc. Addison-Wesley. 1987 Describes the CLOCKDATA and CLOCKCTL registers. _Apple IIGS Toolbox Reference: Volume 1_ Apple Computer, Inc. Addison-Wesley. 1988 Describes the contents of most of the Battery RAM locations. _Apple IIGS Technical Reference_ Michael Fischer. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1986 This seems to be the only source that lists the legal values for most of the BRAM locations.