LLX > Neil Parker > Apple II > Fixing APPEND

Fixing APPEND in DOS 3.3


For most of its life, Apple's DOS has had problems with its APPEND command. It's supposed to open a text file and leave it positioned at the end of the file, so that subsequent WRITEs will add new data after the existing data. But because DOS doesn't store an end-of-file pointer on disk, finding the end of the file can only be done by reading through the file one byte at a time until the end is reached. This has proven to be a surprisingly difficult procedure to get right:

Each of these fixes costs memory. The code that implements Apple's last two fixes overflows into a couple of previously-unoccupied memory areas inside DOS—memory that many third-party programs had been using to install their own modifications to DOS. The potential for disaster here should be obvious.

All three layers of Apple's fixes are applied to the APPEND code in DOS's outer section, the command interpreter, or to the command interpreter's error-handlng routines (in particular, the handling of the END OF DATA error). None of them could be called "beautiful", and the 1983 fixes resort to an especially bizarre contortion.

So is there a better way to do it?

Yes. As we'll see below, the problem actually originates not in the command interpreter where the APPEND command resides, but in DOS's middle section, the file manager, and a fix at the file manager level turns out to be quite a bit smaller and simpler than Apple's fixes. Replacing Apple's fixes with a file manager fix not only results in an APPEND that suffers from none of its traditional tribulations, it also gives back all of the memory consumed in the 1983 releases and then some—DOS's internal free spaces are bigger than ever. Plus, putting APPEND in the file manager makes it faster—the (expensive) file manager entry/exit overhead is incurred only once, rather than for every byte examined in the search for the end of the file.

If you care about the technical details, read on. If all you want is results (and if you trust me to have gotten it right), scroll to the bottom, where you can download a disk image with programs that patch DOS with the new, improved APPEND.


In preparing what follows, I've relied heavily on the classic DOS reference, Beneath Apple DOS by Don Worth and Pieter Lechner, and on the final DOS source code, rescued from oblivion by David T. Craig and findable on the usual Apple II download sites. Several snippets of assembly language below are taken from an assembly listing made from this source code—the addresses in the listing differ from those in Beneath Apple DOS because the source code assembles a "master" DOS that loads from $1B00 to $3FFF and then relocates itself. Addresses can be matched with normal 48K DOS, and with Beneath Apple DOS, by adding $8000.

Technical Details

Without further ado, here's the smoking gun:

2CA8:              230 ;
2CA8:              231 *   GETBYT - GET A DATA BYTE
2CA8:              232 ;
2CA8:        2CA8  233 GETBYT    EQU   *
2CA8:20 B6 30      234           JSR   LOCNXB         ; LOCATE NEXT BYTE
2CAB:B0 0B   2CB8  235           BCS   EOFIN          ; BR IF EOF
2CAD:B1 42         236           LDA   (ZPGFCB),Y     ; GET DAT BYTE
2CAF:48            237           PHA                  ; SAVE IT
2CB0:20 5B 31      238           JSR   INCRRB         ; INCR REC BYTE
2CB3:20 94 31      239           JSR   INCSCB         ; INCR SEC BYTE
2CB6:68            240           PLA                  ; GET SAVED BYTE
2CB7:60            241           RTS                  ; RETURN
2CB8:              242 ;
2CB8:4C 6F 33      243 EOFIN     JMP   ERROR5         ; GO TO EOF RTN

This routine is part of DOS's file manager, and is responsible for reading the next byte from a file. All bytes read from a DOS file pass through this routine, including APPEND's search for the file's first zero byte or unallocated sector.

The routine LOCNXB checks whether the next byte to be accessed is in the current data sector, and if not, searches the file's track/sector list to find and load the correct sector. If the sector exists, it returns with the carry flag clear and the offset to the data byte in the Y register. If the sector doesn't exist, it return with the carry set. INCRRB advances the record/byte-within-record pointer, and INCSCB advances the sector/byte-within-sector pointer.

The logic here is simple. It tries to get the next byte from the file, and if it can't because there are no more sectors in the file, it exits the file manager with an END OF DATA error. Otherwise it advances the position-in-file pointers and returns the data byte (ZPGFCB holds a pointer to the data sector buffer).

Note the exit conditions. After success, the accumulator holds the byte from the file, and the position-in-file pointers are pointing to the byte after it. But after END OF DATA, no byte is returned, and the position-in-file pointers are still pointing at what would be the first byte of the nonexistant sector if it existed.

This behaviour is right (or at least reasonable) for almost everything else that DOS does, but it's poison for APPEND. Remember, APPEND is searching for either a zero byte or END OF DATA (no more sectors). The position-in-file pointers are correct after END OF DATA, but if a zero byte was read, the pointers are pointing to the byte after the zero byte, and need to be moved back so the next write can overwrite the zero byte instead of the byte after it.

It's that backward move, which sometimes needs to be done and and sometimes not, that's at the root of APPEND's woes.

All of this grief could be avoided by makng APPEND (and only APPEND) bypass the above routine completely, and instead scan for the end of the file with a loop something like this:

          BCS   FOUNDEOF
          LDA   (ZPGFCB),Y
          BEQ   FOUNDEOF
          JSR   INCRRB
          JSR   INCSCB
          BNE   SCANTOEOF       ;(Always taken)

When the label FOUNDEOF is reached, either a zero byte has been seen, in which case the pointers are pointing to it, or we tried to read a sector that's not part of the file, in which case the pointers are pointing at what would be the nonexistant sector's first byte. In both cases the pointers are correct and need no further adjustment.

An aside: How can we be sure that the BNE above is always taken? Here's the code for INCSCB:

3194:              241 ;
3194:              242 ;INCSCB - INCREMENT SECTOR BYTE
3194:              243 ;
3194:        3194  244 INCSCB    EQU   *
3194:EE E6 35      245           INC   DCBCSB         ; INC SECTOR BYTE
3197:D0 08   31A1  246           BNE   INCS2          ; BR IF NOT FULL
3199:EE E4 35      247           INC   DCBCRS         ; AND INCR
319C:D0 03   31A1  248           BNE   INCS2          ; RELATIVE SECTOR
319E:EE E5 35      249           INC   DCBCRS+1
31A1:              250 ;
31A1:              251 ;
31A1:        31A1  252 INCS2     EQU   *
31A1:60            253           RTS                  ; DONE

Clearly the only way this can return a BEQ result is if all three bytes that it looks at wrap around to zero, which, in the context of APPEND, can only happen if 65,536 sectors have been read from the file without finding a zero byte or running out of sectors. Since the theoretical maximum size of a DOS 3.3 disk is 1,600 sectors (that being the number of bits available in the VTOC free sector map), no file can ever have that many sectors allocated to it, and the wraparound can never happen. Thus we can be certain that after JSR INCSCB, the BNE will always branch.

All three of the routines called by our new code (LOCNXB, INCRRB, and INCSCB) are part of the file manager, so our code needs to part of the file manager too. The fact that APPEND is a special form of OPEN suggests that it should be patched into the file manager's Open routine, which looks like this:

2B22:                2 ;
2B22:                3 ; FOPEN - OPEN A FILE
2B22:                4 ;
2B22:        2B22    5 FOPEN     EQU   *
2B22:20 28 2B        6           JSR   DOPEN
2B25:4C 7F 33        7           JMP   GOODIO

All the work is done by the call to DOPEN; GOODIO exits from the file manager with no error. If we replace JMP GOODIO with a jump to a patch that either jumps to GOODIO or to our SCANTOEOF from above, depending on whether or not Open was called by APPEND, we'll have most of what we need. Our patch now looks like this:

          LDA   $AA5F           ;Command number of most recent DOS command, times 2
          CMP   #$1C            ;APPEND?
          BEQ   SCANTOEOF
          BCS   PATCHDONE
          LDA   (ZPGFCB),Y
          BEQ   PATCHDONE
          JSR   INCRRB
          JSR   INCSCB
          BNE   SCANTOEOF       ;(Always taken)

That's the entirety of what needs to be added to the file manager to do a proper APPEND. (Where to put this patch will be discussed below.)

Next we need to let the commnand interpreter know that APPEND is now being handled in the file manager. Here's the APPEND command handler:

2298:              199 ;
2298:              200 ; EAPND - OPEN FILE FOR APPEND
2298:              201 ;
2298:        2298  202 EAPND     EQU   *
2298:20 A3 22      203           JSR   EOPEN          ; GO OPEN
229B:        229B  204 AP1       EQU   *
229B:20 8C 26      205           JSR   RBYTE          ; READ A BYTE
229E:D0 FB   229B  206           BNE   AP1            ; BR IF NOT ZERO
22A0:              207 ;
22A0:4C 71 36      208           JMP   BUMPER         ; GO TO PATCH FOR APPEND FIX

This just opens the file (EOPEN is the handler for the OPEN command), reads bytes until it finds the end, and then goes to the patch that adjusts the file pointer. But since the read loop is now being done by our new file manager patch, we no longer need any of this. We can just patch the APPEND pointer in the command interpreter's command address table to point to the OPEN handler instead, and the file manager will take care of the rest all by itself. (The pointer in question lives at $9D3A in a 48K DOS, and changing its first byte to $A2 accomplishes this.)

Now that this code is no longer called, it's eleven bytes worth of memory that can be reused for other purposes.

But we're not done yet. There's still the issue of where to put the new file manager patch, and the issue of backing out of Apple's old APPEND patches. Removing Apple's patches answers the question of where to put our patch—we just put it where Apple's patches used to be.

Unhooking the original APPEND handler, with its jump to BUMPER, frees up one of the Apple patches. But there are three others, all of them called from the command interpreter's routine that calls the file manager, and one of them does things that aren't limited to fixing APPEND, so we need to keep parts of it.

Here's the file manager caller, and the patch that we can't just eliminate entirely:

26A8:                2 ;
26A8:                3 ; DOSGO - GOTO DOS
26A8:                4 ;
26A8:        26A8    5 DOSGO     EQU   *
26A8:20 06 2B        6           JSR   DOSENT         ; GO TO DOS
26AB:90 16   26C3    7           BCC   DG3            ; BR IF NOT ERROR
26AD:                8 ;
26AD:AD C5 35        9           LDA   CCBSTA        ;GET RETURN CODE
26B0:C9 05          10           CMP   #5
26B2:F0 03   26B7   11           BEQ   YESEOF
26B4:4C 5E 36       12           JMP   CLOSFILE      ;NO. CLOSE & COMPLAIN
26B7:4C 92 36       13 YESEOF    JMP   EOFFIX        ;MABYE FIX IT UP?
26BA:EA             14           NOP
26BB:               15 ***************************
26BB:               16 *
26BB:               17 * DOS 3.3  (REV B) PATCH
26BB:               18 *
26BB:               19 ***************************
26BB:        0001   20           DO    DOS33B
26BB:20 69 3A       21 DOSGO2A   JSR   MOVEOF        ; MOVE END OF FILE PATCH
26BE:               22           ELSE
 S                  23           NOP
 S                  24 DOSGO2A   NOP
 S                  25           NOP
26BE:               26           FIN
26BE:A2 00          27           LDX   #0             ; SET OTHER EIF
26C0:8E C3 35       28           STX   CCBDAT         ; DONE
26C3:60             29 DG3       RTS
365D:00            102 EOFFLAG   DFB   0
365E:        365E  103 CLOSFILE  EQU   *
365E:20 64 27      104           JSR   FILSRC        ;FILE BUFFER FOUND?
3661:B0 08   366B  105           BCS   NOTFOUND      ;=> NO, SO SKIP IT.
3663:A9 00         106           LDA   #0            ;YES, CLOSE IT
3665:A8            107           TAY
3666:8D 5D 36      108           STA   EOFFLAG       
3669:91 40         109           STA   (ZPGWRK),Y    ;RIGHT NOW
366E:4C D2 26      111           JMP   ERROR         ;BACK TO ERROR HANDLER

The patches called EOFFIX (which jumps back to DOSGO2A when it's done) and MOVEEOF (the latter was added in the January 1983 version of DOS) are purely APPEND-related and can be eliminated. But we need to keep everything in CLOSFILE except for the clearing of EOFFLAG (which is the flag mentioned earlier that tells the position-adjuster whether or not it needs to skip the adjustment).

Part of the CLOSFILE patch can be fit directly into the DOSGO routine, replacing the no-longer-needed calls to the other patches:

DOSGO     EQU   *
          JSR   DOSENT         ; GO TO DOS
          BCC   DG3            ; BR IF NOT ERROR
          LDA   CCBSTA        ;GET RETURN CODE
          CMP   #5
          BEQ   YESEOF
          JSR   FILSRC         ;FILE BUFFER FOUND?
          JMP   ERROR
YESEOF    LDX   #0             ; SET OTHER EIF
          STX   CCBDAT         ; DONE
DG3       RTS

The rest, by a convenient coincidence, takes exactly eleven bytes, which is the same as the amount of space that was made available by bypassing the command interpreter's APPEND handler. Ths is too good an opportunity to ignore, so the following will replace the original APPEND handler, at $A298 in a 48K DOS:

          BCS   NOTFOUND      ;=> NO, SO SKIP IT.
          LDA   #0            ;YES, CLOSE IT
          STA   (ZPGWRK),Y    ;RIGHT NOW

All of Apple's APPEND patches have now been moved or removed. In a normal 48K DOS, this frees everything from $B65D through $B685, and from $B692 through $B6FC (the island in the middle, from $B686 to $B691, is used by an unrelated patch that does an automatic VERIFY after every SAVE or BSAVE). We should probably leave $B65D alone, because that's the APPEND patch flag—it's no longer used, but there might be some software that tries to improve its chances of a successful APPEND by POKEing it (as recommended, for example, by Tom Weishaar in his DOSTalk column in the April 1983 issue of Softalk). That means the file manager patch described above should start at $B65E, and that's the address that should be patched into the file manager's Open handler.

That's it for fixing APPEND, but there's still one little bit of uncleanliness that can be taken care of. The 1983 versions of DOS include a patch that turns off an Apple IIe/c/GS 80-column card on boot, which sits (in a 48K DOS) at $BA76, which is right in the middle of the $BA69-to-$BA95 block that used to be free in the 1980 version. By moving the patch elsewhere, we can consolidate the free space. Here's the patch:

3A76:              133 *********************************************** 
3A76:              134 *
3A76:              135 * TURN Apple //e 80 COLUMN CARD
3A76:              136 * OFF & INIT APPLE
3A76:              137 *
3A76:              138 *********************************************** 
3A76:        3A76  139 OFF80     EQU   *
3A76:A9 FF         140           LDA   #$FF
3A78:8D FB 04      141           STA   $4FB          ; CLEARS FUNNY 80 COL STUFF
3A7B:8D 0C C0      142           STA   $C00C         ; TURNS 80 COL OFF
3A7E:8D 0E C0      143           STA   $C00E         ; TURN OFF ALT CHAR SET
3A81:4C 2F FB      144           JMP   $FB2F         ; MONITOR INIT ROUTINE

And its caller:

3FC8:        3FC8   20 RCPATCH   EQU   *
3FC8:20 93 FE       21           JSR   SETVID
3FCB:AD 81 C0       22           LDA   $C081
3FCE:AD 81 C0       23           LDA   $C081
3FD1:A9 00          24           LDA   #0
3FD3:8D 00 E0       25           STA   $E000
3FD6:        0001   26           DO    DOS33B
3FD6:20 76 3A       27           JSR   OFF80
3FD9:4C 44 37       28           JMP   RCBACK
3FDC:               29           ELSE
 S                  30           JMP   RCBACK
 S                  31           DS    3,0
3FDC:               32           FIN

The OFF80 patch is fourteen bytes long, and we have have thirteen bytes available between the end of the file manager patch at $B679 and the beginning of the VERIFY patch at $B686. Fortunately a slight rewrite can squeeze a byte out of the patch and make it fit—this requires a modification to OFF80's caller, starting at $BFD1 (in a 48K DOS):

          LDX   #0
          STX   $E000
          JSR   OFF80
          JMP   RCBACK

Now we can fit OFF80 starting at $B679, like this:

OFF80     DEX
          STX   $4FB          ; CLEARS FUNNY 80 COL STUFF
          STA   $C00C         ; TURNS 80 COL OFF
          STA   $C00E         ; TURN OFF ALT CHAR SET
          JMP   $FB2F         ; MONITOR INIT ROUTINE

And that's it. With these patches (assuming I got it all right), DOS does everything that unpatched DOS does, plus APPEND works correctly in all cases (and it's faster), and there's more internal free memory than the original 1980 version of DOS 3.3 had—$B692 through $B6FC are free, and $BA69 through $BA95, and $BCDF through $BCFF.

After these patches, the so-called DOS ID byte, at PEEK (46725) ($B685) is 251 ($FB).

Summary of Patches

Here are the patches described above, in hex, for a 48K DOS.

A6B3:0A 20 64 A7 20 98 A2 4C D2 A6 EA                 (error patch, part 1)

A298:B0 05 A9 00 48 91 40 AD C5 B5 60                 (error patch, part 2)

B65E:AD 5F AA C9 1C F0 03 4C 7F B3 20 B6 B0 B0 F8 B1  (APPEND patch)
B66E:42 F0 F4 20 5B B1 20 94 B1 D0 EF

AB26:5E B6                                            (hook into file manager)

9D3A:A2                                               (Make APPEND the same as OPEN)

BFD1:A2 00 8E 00 E0 20 79 B6 4C 44 B7                 (80-col patch part 1)

B679:CA 8E FB 04 8D 0C C0 8D 0E C0 4C 2F FB           (80-col patch part 2)

Note that the last two lines may be omitted (if you don't mind some memory fragmentation), but rest must be applied, or not applied, as a unit. A partial patch will result in a badly broken DOS.

These patches should be applied only to DOS 3.3 as originally supplied by Apple (any of the three official versions should be OK). Applying them to DOS 3.2.1 or earlier, or to any of the various third-party modified DOSes (DAVID-DOS, Diversi-DOS, ProntoDOS, etc.) is likely to be disastrous.

For the 1980 version of DOS, it would also be a good idea to add the patch to the random-access positioner to match the 1983 versions. If the value at $B33E is not $18, then apply the following:

B33E:18 AD BF B5 8D EC B5 6D E6 B5 8D E6 B5 AD C0 B5
B34E:8D ED B5 6D E4 B5 8D E4 B5 90 03 EE E5 B5 60 00


If you trust that my arguments above are sound, and that I haven't missed something important, here's a DOS 3.3 disk with software on it that applies these patches.

The disk image contains two programs, one which patches the currently-running DOS 3.3 in memory, and one which patches the DOS image on a disk.

LLX > Neil Parker > Apple II > Fixing APPEND

Original: November 8, 2022