LLX > Neil Parker > Apple II > 6502 Instruction Set
Though the 6502 instruction set has a number of quirks and irregularities, large portions of it can be broken up into regular patterns. An understanding of these patterns can be beneficial to authors of assemblers or disassemblers for 6502 code--for example, the Apple II ROM uses the information described below to greatly reduce the size of the instruction tables used by the built-in machine language disassembler.
Note that the discussion below assumes a knowledge of 6502 programming. If you're looking for a tutorial or general programming reference for the 6502, it's probably best to start elsewhere...here are some pointers to useful materials:
Shown below are the instructions of the 6502, 65C02, and 65C816 processors. GREEN UPPERCASE indicates instructions found on all processors; Yellow Mixed Case indicates instructions introduced on the 65C02, and red lowercase indicates instructions found only on the 65C816. The bit manipulation instructions found only on the Rockwell and WDC versions of the 65C02 are not included in the table, nor are the "undocumented" instructions of the original 6502. (However, after noting the search engine strings commonly used to locate this page, I have added discussions of these points below.)
x0 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7 | x8 | x9 | xA | xB | xC | xD | xE | xF | |
0x | BRK b | ORA (d,X) | cop b | ora d,S | Tsb d | ORA d | ASL d | ora [d] | PHP | ORA # | ASL A | phd | Tsb a | ORA a | ASL a | ora al |
1x | BPL r | ORA (d),Y | Ora (d) | ora (d,S),Y | Trb d | ORA d,X | ASL d,X | ora [d],Y | CLC | ORA a,Y | Inc A | tcs | Trb a | ORA a,X | ASL a,X | ora al,X |
2x | JSR a | AND (d,X) | jsl al | and d,S | BIT d | AND d | ROL d | and [d] | PLP | AND # | ROL A | pld | BIT a | AND a | ROL a | and al |
3x | BMI r | AND (d),Y | And (d) | and (d,S),Y | Bit d,X | AND d,X | ROL d,X | and [d],Y | SEC | AND a,Y | Dec A | tsc | Bit a,X | AND a,X | ROL a,X | and al,X |
4x | RTI | EOR (d,X) | wdm | eor d,S | mvp s,d | EOR d | LSR d | eor [d] | PHA | EOR # | LSR A | phk | JMP a | EOR a | LSR a | eor al |
5x | BVC r | EOR (d),Y | Eor (d) | eor (d,S),Y | mvn s,d | EOR d,X | LSR d,X | eor [d],Y | CLI | EOR a,Y | Phy | tcd | jmp al | EOR a,X | LSR a,X | eor al,X |
6x | RTS | ADC (d,X) | per rl | adc d,S | Stz d | ADC d | ROR d | adc [d] | PLA | ADC # | ROR A | rtl | JMP (a) | ADC a | ROR a | adc al |
7x | BVS r | ADC (d),Y | Adc (d) | adc (d,S),Y | Stz d,X | ADC d,X | ROR d,X | adc [d],Y | SEI | ADC a,Y | Ply | tdc | Jmp (a,X) | ADC a,X | ROR a,X | adc al,X |
8x | Bra r | STA (d,X) | brl rl | sta d,S | STY d | STA d | STX d | sta [d] | DEY | Bit # | TXA | phb | STY a | STA a | STX a | sta al |
9x | BCC r | STA (d),Y | Sta (d) | sta (d,S),Y | STY d,X | STA d,X | STX d,Y | sta [d],Y | TYA | STA a,Y | TXS | txy | Stz a | STA a,X | Stz a,X | sta al,X |
Ax | LDY # | LDA (d,X) | LDX # | lda d,S | LDY d | LDA d | LDX d | lda [d] | TAY | LDA # | TAX | plb | LDY a | LDA a | LDX a | lda al |
Bx | BCS r | LDA (d),Y | Lda (d) | lda (d,S),Y | LDY d,X | LDA d,X | LDX d,Y | lda [d],Y | CLV | LDA a,Y | TSX | tyx | LDY a,X | LDA a,X | LDX a,Y | lda al,X |
Cx | CPY # | CMP (d,X) | rep # | cmp d,S | CPY d | CMP d | DEC d | cmp [d] | INY | CMP # | DEX | wai | CPY a | CMP a | DEC a | cmp al |
Dx | BNE r | CMP (d),Y | Cmp (d) | cmp (d,S),Y | pei d | CMP d,X | DEC d,X | cmp [d],Y | CLD | CMP a,Y | Phx | stp | jml (a) | CMP a,X | DEC a,X | cmp al,X |
Ex | CPX # | SBC (d,X) | sep # | sbc d,S | CPX d | SBC d | INC d | sbc [d] | INX | SBC # | NOP | xba | CPX a | SBC a | INC a | sbc al |
Fx | BEQ r | SBC (d),Y | Sbc (d) | sbc (d,S),Y | pea a | SBC d,X | INC d,X | sbc [d],Y | SED | SBC a,Y | Plx | xce | jsr (a,X) | SBC a,X | INC a,X | sbc al,X |
Most instructions that explicitly reference memory locations have bit patterns of the form aaabbbcc. The aaa and cc bits determine the opcode, and the bbb bits determine the addressing mode.
Instructions with cc = 01 are the most regular, and are therefore considered first. (In the MC6500 Microcomputer Family Programming Manual, these are called "Group One" instructions.) The aaa bits determine the opcode as follows:
aaa | opcode |
000 | ORA |
001 | AND |
010 | EOR |
011 | ADC |
100 | STA |
101 | LDA |
110 | CMP |
111 | SBC |
And the addressing mode (bbb) bits:
bbb | addressing mode |
000 | (zero page,X) |
001 | zero page |
010 | #immediate |
011 | absolute |
100 | (zero page),Y |
101 | zero page,X |
110 | absolute,Y |
111 | absolute,X |
Putting it all together:
ORA | AND | EOR | ADC | STA | LDA | CMP | SBC | |
(zp,X) | 01 | 21 | 41 | 61 | 81 | A1 | C1 | E1 |
zp | 05 | 25 | 45 | 65 | 85 | A5 | C5 | E5 |
# | 09 | 29 | 49 | 69 | A9 | C9 | E9 | |
abs | 0D | 2D | 4D | 6D | 8D | AD | CD | ED |
(zp),Y | 11 | 31 | 51 | 71 | 91 | B1 | D1 | F1 |
zp,X | 15 | 35 | 55 | 75 | 95 | B5 | D5 | F5 |
abs,Y | 19 | 39 | 59 | 79 | 99 | B9 | D9 | F9 |
abs,X | 1D | 3D | 5D | 7D | 9D | BD | DD | FD |
The only irregularity is the absence of the nonsensical immediate STA instruction.
Next we consider the cc = 10 instructions (the "Group Two" instructions of the MC6500 Microcomputer Family Programming Manual). These have a completely different set of opcodes:
aaa | opcode |
000 | ASL |
001 | ROL |
010 | LSR |
011 | ROR |
100 | STX |
101 | LDX |
110 | DEC |
111 | INC |
The addressing modes are similar to the 01 case, but not quite the same:
bbb | addressing mode |
000 | #immediate |
001 | zero page |
010 | accumulator |
011 | absolute |
101 | zero page,X |
111 | absolute,X |
Note that bbb = 100 and 110 are missing. Also, with STX and LDX, "zero page,X" addressing becomes "zero page,Y", and with LDX, "absolute,X" becomes "absolute,Y".
These fit together like this:
ASL | ROL | LSR | ROR | STX | LDX | DEC | INC | |
# | A2 | |||||||
zp | 06 | 26 | 46 | 66 | 86 | A6 | C6 | E6 |
A | 0A | 2A | 4A | 6A | ||||
abs | 0E | 2E | 4E | 6E | 8E | AE | CE | EE |
zp,X/zp,Y | 16 | 36 | 56 | 76 | 96 | B6 | D6 | F6 |
abs,X/abs,Y | 1E | 3E | 5E | 7E | BE | DE | FE |
Many of the gaps in this table are easy to understand--for example, immediate mode makes no sense for any instruction other than LDX. It could argued that two gaps aren't really gaps at all: "STX A" and "LDX A" are missing, but their slots are occupied by TXA and TAX, which makes sense. Less understandable are the lack of "DEC A" and "INC A" (whose slots are occupied by DEX and NOP respectively) and "STX abs,Y" (whose slot is unassigned).
(Wild unwarranted speculation time: Perhaps there isn't really an "accumulator mode," but rather a set of unrelated single-byte opcodes, some of which semi-coincidentally happen to behave as if they were an accumulator mode for other instructions.)
Next, the cc = 00 instructions (the "Group Three" instructions of the MC6500 Microcomputer Family Programming Manual). Again, the opcodes are different:
aaa | opcode |
001 | BIT |
010 | JMP |
011 | JMP (abs) |
100 | STY |
101 | LDY |
110 | CPY |
111 | CPX |
It's debatable whether the JMP instructions belong in this list...I've included them because they do seem to fit, provided one considers the indirect JMP a separate opcode rather than a different addressing mode of the absolute JMP.
The addressing modes are the same as the 10 case, except that accumulator mode is missing.
bbb | addressing mode |
000 | #immediate |
001 | zero page |
011 | absolute |
101 | zero page,X |
111 | absolute,X |
And here's how they fit together:
BIT | JMP | JMP() | STY | LDY | CPY | CPX | |
# | A0 | C0 | E0 | ||||
zp | 24 | 84 | A4 | C4 | E4 | ||
abs | 2C | 4C | 6C | 8C | AC | CC | EC |
zp,X | 94 | B4 | |||||
abs,X | BC |
Some of the gaps in this table are understandable (e.g. the lack of an immediate mode for JMP, JMP(), and STY), but others are not (e.g. the absence of "zp,X" for CPY and CPX, and the absence of "abs,X" for STY, CPY, and CPX). Note that if accumulator mode (bbb = 010) were available, "LDY A" would be A8, which falls in the slot occupied by TAY, but the pattern breaks down elsewhere--TYA is 98, rather than 88, which we would expect it to be if it corresponded to the nonexistant "STY A".
No instructions have the form aaabbb11. The MC6500 Microcomputer Family Programming Manual indicates that these are reserved for additional addressing modes or registers for the cc = 01 ("Group One") instructions--a promise that was eventually fulfilled by the 65816 (as described below).
The conditional branch instructions all have the form xxy10000. The flag indicated by xx is compared with y, and the branch is taken if they are equal.
xx | flag |
00 | negative |
01 | overflow |
10 | carry |
11 | zero |
This gives the following branches:
10 | 30 | 50 | 70 | 90 | B0 | D0 | F0 |
The remaining instructions are probably best considered simply by listing them. Here are the interrupt and subroutine instructions:
BRK | JSR abs | RTI | RTS |
00 | 20 | 40 | 60 |
(JSR is the only absolute-addressing instruction that doesn't fit the aaabbbcc pattern.)
Other single-byte instructions:
08 | 28 | 48 | 68 | 88 | A8 | C8 | E8 |
18 | 38 | 58 | 78 | 98 | B8 | D8 | F8 |
8A | 9A | AA | BA | CA | EA |
The time required for 6502 instruction to execute is regular and predictable. The primary rule is this:
Each byte read from or written to memory requires one clock cycle.
However, that simple rule doesn't account for everything--there are a number of cases when instructions require more clock cycles than the one-cycle-per-byte rule indicates. (Most of these exceptions arise because the next "real" memory access can't occur until some internal operation finishes first.)
The full details of what happens during each cycle of every instruction and addressing mode can be found in the MC6500 Microcomputer Family Programming Manual.
The above-described instructions (the ones shown in GREEN UPPERCASE in the table at the top of this page) are the only ones documented in any manufacturer's official data sheets. The question often arises, "What do all those other leftover bytes do if you try to execute them as instructions?"
In general the behavior of instructions other than those listed above cannot be described exactly, as they tend to be somewhat unstable, and do not always behave the same way on chips made by different manufacturers, and some instructions don't even behave the same way twice on the same chip. Those looking for a precise listing of "undocumented" instruction behaviors will have to look elsewhere, and should beware that the behaviors described on other web pages may be specific to 6502s made by a particular (often unspecified) manufacturer.
However, there are some facts that seem to be common across all 6502s. The most interesting case is the cc = 11 instructions: these execute the adjacent cc = 01 and cc = 10 instructions simultaneously. For example, AF executes AD ("LDA absolute") and AE ("LDX absolute") at the same time, putting the same value in both the accumulator and the X register.
In some cases the 01 and 10 instructions are incompatible. For example, 8F executes 8D ("STA absolute") and 8E ("STX absolute") at the same time. So which register actually gets written to memory? Their bitwise AND, often also ANDed with a constant whose value may depend on the manufacturer of the 6502 and the details of how the memory is connected.
The behavior of the 11 instructions is especially problematic in those cases where the adjacent 01 or 10 instruction is also undocumented. Sometimes you can get a partial idea of what happens by looking at what the missing 01 or 10 instruction would be if that opcode/addressing mode combination weren't missing. Xxxx1011 instructions are also problematic--some of these seem to mix not only the adjacent 01 and 10 instructions, but also the immediate mode of the corresponding 10 instruction.
Most of the missing 00, 01, and 10 instructions seem to behave like NOPs, but using the addressing mode indicated by the bbb bits. But apparently this isn't always reliable--there are reports of some of these instructions occasionally locking up the processor.
Instructions of the form xxxx0010 usually lock up the processor, so that a reset is required to recover. The instructions 82, C2, and E2 (corresponding to the nonexistant immediate mode of STX, DEC, and INC) may sometimes behave as two-byte NOPs, but don't count on it.
The new instructions of the 65C02 are much less logical than those listed above. The designers of the 65C02 apparently chose to continue leaving the cc = 11 instructions empty, and this didn't leave much space for new instructions. Some instructions landed in logical places, but others had to be assigned wherever there was room, whether it made sense or not.
The new zero-page indirect addressing mode fills the previously-unused bbb = 100 slot of the cc = 10 instructions, but the opcodes are those of the cc = 01 instructions.
ORA | AND | EOR | ADC | STA | LDA | CMP | SBC | |
(zp) | 12 | 32 | 52 | 72 | 92 | B2 | D2 | F2 |
"JMP (abs,X)" is right where it ought to be (011 111 00), if one continues to regard the indirect JMP as a separate opcode from the absolute JMP:
JMP() | |
abs,X | 7C |
"BIT zp,X" and "BIT abs,X" ended up exactly where one would expect them to be, but "BIT #" had to be moved because its slot was already taken by JSR:
BIT | |
# | 89 |
zp,X | 34 |
abs,X | 3C |
TSB ended up in a reasonable place (000bbb00):
TSB | |
zp | 04 |
abs | 0C |
But the above assigments exhaust the logical possibilities for opcodes that explicity reference memory locations, so TRB and STZ had to be put wherever room could be found:
TRB | STZ | |
zp | 14 | 64 |
abs | 1C | 9C |
zp,X | 74 | |
abs,X | 9E |
That leaves the relative branch instruction
80 |
and the single-byte instructions:
1A | 3A | 5A | 7A | DA | FA |
Actually, I lied when I said above that the designers of the 65C02 chose to leave the cc = 11 instructions unused. On 65C02s made by Rockwell and by WDC, some of these instructions are used for additional bit setting, clearing, and testing instructions. These instructions are missing on 65C02s made by other manufacturers. (And since this page is part of a set of Apple II-related pages, I should point out that Apple never shipped any computers that used Rockwell or WDC 65C02s, so none of the instructions in this section are available on an unmodified Apple II.)
The bit set and clear instructions have the form xyyy0111, where x is 0 to clear a bit or 1 to set it, and yyy is which bit at the memory location to set or clear.
RMB0 | RMB1 | RMB2 | RMB3 | RMB4 | RMB5 | RMB6 | RMB7 | |
zp | 07 | 17 | 27 | 37 | 47 | 57 | 67 | 77 |
SMB0 | SMB1 | SMB2 | SMB3 | SMB4 | SMB5 | SMB6 | SMB7 | |
zp | 87 | 97 | A7 | B7 | C7 | D7 | E7 | F7 |
Similarly, the test-and-branch instructions are of the form xyyy1111, where x is 0 to test whether the bit is 0, or 1 to test whether it is 1, and yyy is which bit to test.
BBR0 | BBR1 | BBR2 | BBR3 | BBR4 | BBR5 | BBR6 | BBR7 | |
zp,rel | 0F | 1F | 2F | 3F | 4F | 5F | 6F | 7F |
BBS0 | BBS1 | BBS2 | BBS3 | BBS4 | BBS5 | BBS6 | BBS7 | |
zp,rel | 8F | 9F | AF | BF | CF | DF | EF | FF |
Additionally, the WDC version of the 65C02 includes the 65C816's STP and WAI instructions (see below).
There aren't really any undocumented instructions on the 65C02--any instructions not listed above are documented as performing no operation.
However, these alternate NOPs are not created equal. Some have one- or two-byte operands (which they don't do anything with), and they take different amounts of time to execute.
Instruction | Bytes | Cycles |
xxxxxx10 | 2 | 2 |
xxxxxx11 | 1 | 1 |
01000100 | 2 | 3 |
x1x10100 | 2 | 4 |
01011100 | 3 | 8 |
11x11100 | 3 | 4 |
Actually, it's not quite correct to say that these instructions don't do anything with their operands. A memory read does occur, generally using the addressing mode you would expect from the bit patterns--which may be significant if there happens to be a memory-mapped hardware device at the target address.
Correspondent Jeff Laughton reports that the behavior of 01011100 (5C) is strange: "5C bb aa", after fetching its three bytes, accesses FFbb, and then spends four cycles accessing FFFF.
Generally, instruction timing on the 65C02 is the same as on the 6502. There are, however, a few exceptions:
Note that BRA is an ordinary branch instruction that always branches.
There doesn't seem to be any current document that gives the cycle-by-cycle breakdown of 65C02 instructions, but this information can be found in an old version of the 65C02 data sheet (but beware--it has some errors).
The 65C816 uses the cc = 11 instructions, but not for Rockwell bit-manipulation opcodes. Most of these are put to work supplying the new long addressing modes of the 65C816:
bbb | addressing mode |
000 | offset,S |
001 | [direct page] |
011 | absolute long |
100 | (offset,S),Y |
101 | [direct page],Y |
111 | absolute long,X |
These combine with the 01 opcodes:
ORA | AND | EOR | ADC | STA | LDA | CMP | SBC | |
d,S | 03 | 23 | 43 | 63 | 83 | A3 | C3 | E3 |
[dp] | 07 | 27 | 47 | 67 | 87 | A7 | C7 | E7 |
al | 0F | 2F | 4F | 6F | 8F | AF | CF | EF |
(d,S),Y | 13 | 33 | 53 | 73 | 93 | B3 | D3 | F3 |
[dp],Y | 17 | 37 | 57 | 77 | 97 | B7 | D7 | F7 |
al,X | 1F | 3F | 5F | 7F | 9F | BF | DF | FF |
The missing 010 and 110 instructions are all single-byte instructions:
0B | 2B | 4B | 6B | 8B | AB | CB | EB |
1B | 3B | 5B | 7B | 9B | BB | DB | FB |
The remaining instructions are a grab-bag assigned to the few remaining unused positions:
COP sig | 02 |
JSL al | 22 |
WDM | 42 |
PER rl | 62 |
BRL rl | 82 |
REP # | C2 |
SEP # | E2 |
MVP sb,db | 44 |
MVN sb,db | 54 |
PEI dp | D4 |
PEA abs | F4 |
JMP al | 5C |
JML (abs) | DC |
JSR (abs,X) | FC |
The 65816 generally follows 6502 timing rather than 65C02 timing...indeed, in emulation mode when the direct page register is page-aligned, all 6502 instructions take the same number of cycles as on the original 6502. New 65C02 instructions take their 65C02 times. (The 6502 decimal mode and indirect jump bugs are fixed without requiring the extra cycle that the 65C02 requires.)
In native mode, the key point to remember is that 16-bit quantities are transferred between the CPU and memory one 8-bit byte at a time.
Other 65816-specific exceptions:
The full cycle-by-cycle breakdown of every 65816 instruction and addressing mode can be found in the 65816 data sheet.
LLX > Neil Parker > Apple II > 6502 Instruction Set
Original: July 27, 2004
Modified: May 3, 2005
Modified: May 29, 2016--Added a new note about 65C02 "undocumented"
Modified: February 24, 2019--Added information about instruction timing
Modified: April 4, 2019--Added missing info about 65618 REP and SEP
Modified: November 19, 2020--Noted that on the 65C02, INC and DEC don't have
the timing optimization that other read-modify-write instructions
Modified: November 29, 2020--Rewrote section about gaps in the cc =
10 instructions; explained better what happens when a cc =
11 undocumented instruction tries to write two values to
memory; fixed up note on 65C02 INC and DEC timing
Modified: April 24, 2022--Added new reference links; noted how the cc
values correspond to the instruction groups described in the original MOS
programming manual
Thanks to Jeff Laughton for several helpful comments.